What's Driving California? The Past, Present, and Future(s) of Transportation in the Golden State: An In-Depth Analysis of the Facts, Origins and Trends of Transportation and Urban Planning in California
Wasserman, Jacob, Brian D. Taylor, John Gahbauer, Juan Matute, Mark Garrett, Hao Ding, Miriam Pinski, Nataly Rios Gutierrez, Alejandra Rios Gutierrez, and California 100
How Does Traffic, or the Fear of it, Affect Housing Affordability? Examining the Effect of Traffic Impact Analysis on Housing Production and Affordability
California Transit Ridership Trends A study for the California Department of Transportation Tasks 1, 2, and 3 Deliverables: Memorandum 1: Analysis of Changes in Transit Ridership Memorandum 2: Analysis of Changes in Transit Supply Memorandum 3: Analysis of Changes in Transit Productivity
Del Rosario, Zodin, Earl Kaing, Brian D. Taylor, and Martin Wachs
Report to the Mayor's Office, City of Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies. 75 pages. (Authors listed alphabetically).