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Synergistic Neighborhood Relationships with Travel Behavior: An Analysis of Travel in 30,000 US. Neighborhoods,"

Refereed Journal Articles
Voulgaris, Carole Turley, Brian D. Taylor, Evelyn Blumenberg, Anne Brown, and Kelcie Ralph
Journal of Transport and Land Use, 10(2): 1-25.
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: home and work location, travel behavior

Typecasting Neighborhoods and Travelers: Analyzing the Geography of Travel Behavior Among Teens and Young Adults in the US

Refereed Monographs
Blumenberg, Evelyn, Anne Brown, Kelcie Ralph, Brian D. Taylor, Carole Turley Voulgaris
Final Report No. FHWA-PL-18-014. Washington D. C. : Federal Highway Administration. 174 pages.
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: home and work location, travel behavior

The Geography of Urban Transportation Finance

Book Chapters
Taylor, Brian D
in The Geography of Urban Transportation, 4th Edition, Susan Hanson and Genevieve Giuliano, EditorsNew York: The Guilford Press. Pages 247-272. [substantially revised version of Book Chapter 1]
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: finance, planning politics, policy, pricing, public transit, shared mobility

California Statewide Transit Strategic Plan: Recommendations Report

Bains, Jasneet, Jordan Fraade, John Gahbauer, Ryland Lu, Juan Matute, Miriam Pinski, Zachary Popp, Brian D. Taylor, Teo Wickland, and Mehmet Berker
Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies and California Department of Transportation Division of Rail and Mass Transportation. 269 Pages.
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: finance, planning politics, policy, pricing, public transit, public transit performance, public transit planning, public transit policy, shared mobility

California Statewide Transit Strategic Plan

Matute, Juan, Teo Wickland, Jasneet Bains, Brian D. Taylor, Ribeka Toda, Riley O'Brien, John Gahbauer, and Charles Ye
Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies and California Department of Transportation Division of Rail and Mass Transportation. 237 Pages.
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: finance, planning politics, policy, pricing, public transit, public transit performance, public transit planning, public transit policy, shared mobility

The Equity Challenges and Outcomes of California's County Transportation Sales Taxes

Albrecht, Maxwell, Anne Brown, Jaimee Lederman, Brian D. Taylor, Martin Wachs
Los Angeles, CA: University of California Center on Economic Competitiveness. 125 Pages.
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: finance, freeways, highways, planning politics, policy, pricing, public transit, public transit planning, public transit policy, shared mobility, transport history

Stuck on Traffic: Planners Should Focus on Managing, Rather than Eliminating, Traffic Congestion

Taylor, Brian D
UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies4 pages.
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: freeways, highways, traffic congestion

The Access Almanac: Traffic Congestion is Counter Intuitive, and Fixable

Taylor, Brian D
Access, 51(Spring).
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: finance, pricing, traffic congestion

The Equity Challenges and Outcomes of California County Transportation Sales Taxes

Short Articles
Albrecht, Maxwell, Anne Brown, Jaimee Lederman, Brian D. Taylor, Martin Wachs, and Ryan Yowell
UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, Los Angeles CA
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: finance, freeways, highways, planning politics, policy, pricing, public transit, public transit planning, public transit policy, shared mobility, transport history

California Statewide Transit Strategic Plan: Stakeholder Engagement Report

Gahbauer, John, Teo Wickland, Juan Matute, and Brian D. Taylor
Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies and Caltrans Division of Rail and Mass Transportation. 88 Pages.
Publication Year: 2017
Tags: advisory committee, ridership, stakeholder, statewide transit goals, transit agencies

Millennials, built form, and travel: Insights from a nationwide typology of US. neighborhoods,

Refereed Journal Articles
Ralph, Kelcie, Carole Turley Voulgaris, Anne Brown, Evelyn Blumenberg, and Brian D. Taylor
Journal of Transport Geography, 57: 218-226.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: equity, home and work location, travel behavior

Who Knows About Kids These Days? Analyzing the Determinants of Youth and Adult Mobility in the US. between 1990 and 2009,"

Refereed Journal Articles
Blumenberg, Evelyn, Kelcie Ralph, Michael Smart, and Brian D. Taylor
Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 93: 39-54. (Authors listed alphabetically).
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: travel behavior

The Boy Who Cried Wolf? Media Messaging and Traveler Responses to Carmageddon in Los Angeles,

Refereed Journal Articles
Brown, Anne, Brian D. Taylor, and Martin Wachs
Public Works Management & Policy, 22(3): 275-293.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: freeways, highways, traffic congestion, travel behavior

Making Headways: An Analysis of Smart Cards and Bus Dwell Time in Los Angeles

Refereed Journal Articles
Shockley, Daniel B. , Julia Salinas, and Brian D. Taylor
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2539(05): 40-47.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: finance, new mobility, pricing, public transit, public transit planning, shared mobility

Negotiating a Financial Package for Freeways: California's 1947 Collier-Burns Highway Act and the Creation of Highway Trust Funds

Refereed Journal Articles
Morris, Eric A, Jeffrey R. Brown, and Brian D. Taylor
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2552(03): 16-22.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: finance, freeways, highways, pricing, transport history

A Taste for Transit? Analyzing Public Transit Use Trends Among Youth

Refereed Journal Articles
Brown, Anne, Evelyn Blumenberg, Brian D. Taylor, Kelcie Ralph, and Carole Turley Voulgaris
Journal of Public Transportation, 19(1): 49-67.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: travel behavior

Fault-y Reasoning: Navigating the Liability Terrain in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Refereed Journal Articles
Lederman, Jaimee, Mark Garrett, and Brian D. Taylor
Public Works Management & Policy, 21(1): 5-27.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: new mobility, public transit, shared mobility

A Private Matter: The Implications of Privacy Regulations for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Refereed Journal Articles
Lederman, Jaimee, Brian D. Taylor, and Mark Garrett
Transportation Planning & Technology, 39(2):115-135.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: new mobility, public transit, shared mobility

Not So Fast: A Study of Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in the San Francisco Bay Area

Osman, Taner, Trevor Thomas, Andrew Mondschein, and Brian D. Taylor
Berkeley, CA: University of California Center on Economic Competitiveness in Transportation. 117 Pages.
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: home and work location, planning politics, policy, traffic congestion

Not So Fast: Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in Greater Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area

Short Articles
Mondschein, Andrew, Taner Osman, Brian D. Taylor, Trevor Thomas, and Evan Moorman
UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, Los Angeles CA
Publication Year: 2016
Tags: home and work location, planning politics, policy, traffic congestion

What Explains the Gender Gap in Schlepping? Testing Various Explanations for Gender Differences in Household-Serving Travel

Refereed Journal Articles
Taylor, Brian D. , Kelcie Ralph, and Michael Smart
Social Science Quarterly, 96(5): 1493-1510.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: equity, travel behavior

Planning for Pedestrian Flows in Rail Rapid Transit Stations: Lessons from the State of Current Knowledge and Practice

Refereed Journal Articles
Voulgaris, Carole Turley, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, and Brian D. Taylor
Journal of Public Transportation, 18(3): 1-14.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: public transit, public transit performance, public transit planning, shared mobility, travel behavior

Does Transit Mean Business? Reconciling Economic, Organizational, and Political Perspectives on Variable Transit Fares

Refereed Journal Articles
Yoh, Allison, Brian D. Taylor, and John Gahbauer
Public Works Management & Policy, 21(2): 157-172.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: finance, planning politics, policy, pricing, public transit, public transit policy, shared mobility

Public transportation objectives and rider demographics: Are transit's priorities poor public policy?

Refereed Journal Articles
Taylor, Brian D. and Eric A. Morris
Transportation, 42(2): 347-367.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: equity, planning politics, policy, public transit, public transit performance, public transit policy, shared mobility

Between Public and Private Mobility: Examining the Rise of Technology-Enabled Transportation Services, Transportation Research Board Special Report 319

Refereed Monographs
Taylor, Brian D. , Katherine Kortum, and Stephen Godwin, with Ryan Chin, Jennifer Dill, Lester A. Hoel, Michael Manville, Steve Polzin, Bruce Schaller, Susan Shaheen, Daniel Sperling, Marzia Zafar, Susan Zelinski
Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 112 pages. (With-authors listed alphabetically).
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: new mobility, planning politics, policy, public transit, shared mobility

Passenger Flows in Underground Railway Stations and Platforms

Refereed Monographs
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia, Brian D. Taylor, and Carole Turley Voulgaris
San Jose, CA: Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose State University. 123 pages.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: public transit, public transit planning, shared mobility

Securing Public Transit Systems

Book Chapters
Wachs, Martin, Camille N. Y. Fink, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, and Brian D. Taylor
in Securing Transportation Systems, Simon Hakim, Gila Albert, and Yoram Shiftan, EditorsHoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pages 151-176.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: planning politics, policy, public transit policy

Typecasting Neighborhoods and Travelers: Analyzing the Geography of Travel Behavior among Teens and Young Adults in the US

Blumenberg, Evelyn, Anne Brown, Kelcie Ralph, Brian D. Taylor, and Carole Turley Voulgaris
Los Angeles, CA: Federal Highway Administration. 155 pages.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: planning politics, policy, travel behavior

Congested Development: A Study of Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in Metropolitan Los Angeles

Mondschein, Andrew, Taner Osman, Brian D. Taylor, and Trevor Thomas
Los Angeles, CA: John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation. 80 pages.
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: home and work location, planning politics, policy, traffic congestion

What Explains the Gender Gap in Schlepping? Testing Various Explanations for Gender Differences in Household-Serving Travel

Short Articles
Taylor, Brian D., Kelcie Ralph, and Michael Smart
UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, Los Angeles CA
Publication Year: 2015
Tags: equity, travel behavior